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- Overall discipleship training.
WBC Update 01.05.22
Brothers and Sisters,
Quick snapshot (if you have more questions, read through the whole email):
1. We encourage masks while on campus at WBC (see further for information about our 8:00am and 9:30am taking more steps to provide opportunity for those who need extra precautions).
2. We are canceling the SALT Flag Football Tournament, Christmas Cantata, and Student Reboot.
3. We are taking a break from Kids Ministry and Student Ministry on Wednesday nights.
4. We will reevaluate these changes at the end of January.
We are taking a few precautions at WBC and we have had to make some decisions on upcoming events that we want to share with you. The reality of the situation we face today is we simply don’t have enough leaders to continue running our normal operations. Many leaders are simply being careful during this time of increased infections, while other leaders are quarantined or isolated currently.
Remember, we also have members and visitors who might be more susceptible to the harmful effects of Covid-19. As we attempt to provide a safe place for worship for everyone, we are working to create two worship services that have extra precautions.
Before you respond to our measures, please understand we are attempting to bring God glory by the way that we lead. If there was a biblical mandate for pandemics, we’d follow it. But, since the Bible simply advocates for the protection and value of life while honoring our brothers and sisters, we want to ask you to join us in seeking to bring God glory. We aren’t going to be swayed politically one way or another, but rather we have diligently studied best practices and are encouraging you to do the same. Our aim will continually be to create space for you to worship the King. To be able to lead you to ask the question how can I glorify God by the way that I talk and act, that is a special moment. So, how can you glorify God today? How can you encourage a health care worker, teacher, parent, student, employee, or many others who are simply weary of making decisions and weary of following decisions? Maybe none of us are enjoying this, but all of us can extend joy to one another. May our unity to one another in Christ Jesus be much deeper and joined together by something much different than our views on precautionary health measures. Here are a few steps we are taking:
1. We are encouraging everyone to take whatever steps they believe are effective to slow the spread of Covid-19 while on our campus. As a staff, we will be wearing KN95 or surgical masks, cleaning spaces, and fogging ministry environments, but that’s our decision for us to best protect those around us. We are not mandating masks or vaccines in every area (read further), but simply encouraging you to do research on what is best for you and/or your family. On our campus, we will create space for people to worship and do our best to maintain a safe environment for that to take place. In addition, for those who would like to be in a service that is fully masked, we want to offer you that space, so our 8:00am and 9:30am service will require masks and have extra social distancing.
2. We are encouraging, and helping, all group leaders to make the best decision for their group on whether to meet virtually or in-person. We will also allow groups to make the best decision for their group on wearing masks or taking other precautionary steps to prevent spreading Covid-19. This goes for any group, including Sunday School, Life Groups, and D-Groups.
3. On Sunday mornings we will continue to offer ministry to Kids and Students since we have enough leaders to effectively lead the ministries.
As for right now, we must postpone restarting Wednesday Nights for Kids and Students due to not having enough workers. Please pray for our leaders as they have fought to keep ministry alive and effective during some difficult times.
Unfortunately, we must cancel a few upcoming events:
1. SALT Flag Football Tournament
2. Christmas Cantata
3. Reboot
Have a blessed and safe week.
Pastor Matt